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What it’s all about, Alfie –
Perspectives about life, experienced in all manner and at any given moment.

I spy, you spy –
How does what I spy with my black eye compare to what you spy with your brown, blue, green or hazel eye? What’s your take? What’s my take? What’s the take-away? Show me yours, I’ll show you mine.

Where we go from here –
Destination unknown but expanding the view along the way. Sometimes warm, fuzzy and amazing, sometimes jarring, but always interesting. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. It’s all based on perspective.

a: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed; also: point of view b: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance <; trying to maintain my perspective>; c: a mental view or prospect <; to gain a broader perspectiveSource: Merriam-Webster

It’s gonna be a fun ride, Clyde.

About Me – Leisa
Partially sound-minded jill of all trades with a proven track record of being here. A dedicated daughter, mother, sister, friend, and acquaintance with a focus on humor, honesty, acceptance (within reason), and optimism that guarantees an interesting journey across smooth and bumpy roads.

Baby Girl, Burlington, NJ
Responsible for performing expected day-to-day baby antics.
Successfully kept parents awake most nights with high-pitched crying
Initiated the need for numerous trips to the drug store, supermarket and doctor’s office
Ensured birth mother’s scope of work was relegated to the kitchen and laundry room

College Student, New Rochelle, NY
Weekday schedule tailored to accommodate a heady ManHAttan* social life while ensuring timely arrival to early-morning classes.
Maintained positive instructor and professor relationships utilizing techniques learned in theater arts classes
Served as travel coordinator for roommates and friends in need of transportation to and from off-campus excursions on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
 Effectively allocated financial resources as needed to guarantee gas and pizza money

CT Motherhood and TX Survival
Served as birthing vehicle for two lovely girls, raising them while maintaining various homes, keeping up with the Joneses, learning the Two-Step, and making it all look easy peasy.
Clearly defined and managed spouse’s expectations for home-cooked meals
Developed six additional hands to successfully multitask being daytime mom, nighttime sex kitten, chauffeur, household engineer, tutor and dog-walker
Secured mental healthcare providers as needed

Citynester, New York, NY
Happy and grounded in ManHAttan*, and livin’ the dream.
(*as in, “HA! I made it. Finally!” And as in, “This shoe box of an apartment costs how much to rent? HA!”)

©  and my black eye™ 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this or any material on this site without expressed and written permission from me, this blog’s author and owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full credit is given with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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